Sunday, August 24, 2014

ROH TV Review - August 24th, 2014

ROH TV Review - August 24th, 2014

1) Tommaso Ciampa vs. Rocky Romero

Unfortunately, I missed this first part of this match, but I caught the majority of it. A lot of good, hard hitting action here as expected from a match involving Ciampa. Both guys worked hard and produced a very good match that was much better than I thought it would be. Ciampa gets DQ'd after refusing to break the Sicilian Stretch submission hold after Romero got the ropes. Great start to the show and I hope to see these two face off again in the future.

2) Jay Lethal vs. ACH - ROH World TV Title Match

Just like any of Lethal's opponents in recent months, ACH had the odds stacked against him as Lethal's entourage were at ringside. They caused a lot of disruption early on, but were soon thrown out. Martini was the last to go as he pulled ACH's leg from under the ropes which led to his ejection. I like how the ref didn't disqualify Lethal and just threw Martini out. After Martini was gone from ringside, this match took off. I had high expectations for this bout and it lived up to them and more! Lethal and ACH battled to a 30 minute
time limit draw. These guys hit each other with everything they had in this exhausting match up. The near falls had me on the edge of my seat, it was just epic. The finish was brilliant as ACH had Lethal locked in the Koji Clutch and it seemed as Lethal was fading away, but he fought back with shots to the face. Both men get to their feet and trade blows in the center of the ring for the remaining seconds of the match. Epic way to close a match that ends in a time limit draw. These two NEED to face off again. For the fans sake and because ACH deserves another shot because he technically didn't lose here. Awesome match!

Match rating - 9/10

Overall thoughts: Great episode of ROH TV this week. There were only two matches on the show, but when they were as high quality as they were - I can't complain. Ciampa and Romero got the night off to a good start with a highly competitive match then ACH & Lethal tore the house down in a match I'll never forget. I'd definitely recommend checking out this week's episode of ROH TV if you missed it.

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